Content is king, context is queen, but nowadays everybody is a king. Yes, everybody is a King. Because everybody creates content. Smart devices and easy access to internet has made it very simple for anyone and everyone to become a content creator and reach maximum people in a fraction of a second.
Approximately 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute, that’s around 1500 hours till you finish reading this article. More than 75 million active users post more than 80 Million photos on Instagram every day. According to Time magazine, 2 million blog posts are written everyday on various websites.
Does this possess a threat to brands, who have traditionally been the monopolies of creating content? Answer is yes and a no. Yes, because the content created by brands will now disappear in the clutter of such a huge tsunami of content. Brands will need to continuously improve and stay ahead of the game. And no, because most of the content created is amateur content. Also the reach of brands is much higher than the individual content creators.
This brings us to the Queen Context. Although there are so many kings, most of them are Queen-less Kings. Context is something that differentiates good content creators from average content creators. Objective of the content, relevance of the subject, authenticity of the information, creative execution, high production value and maximum reach will build the real context for the content creating brands.
But this is not enough, is it? There are more and more queens coming in and instead of two layers of content creators we have three: 1. Amateur content creators, 2. Good content creators, 3. Great content creators. Many small and medium size Kings and start-ups are now creating good content with the help of Queen context. If brands need to differentiate themselves from these new players, they will have to create and manage great content.
How do they do that? It’s simple, take the help of the kingdom, the Customer. Most of the content brands create has an inside out approach. Brands create what they want to and customers simply consume that content. Why not try it the other way around and take into consideration what customers want? Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, has an empty chair in all his strategy meetings. This chair represents the customer. He takes into consideration customer point of view on every subject discussed inside the organization. Now you know, why Amazon is the world’s best customer-centric brand.
So to become successful, brands need to have a king, queen and the kingdom together. That sounds like an expensive affair. Not at all. American confectionery brand Oreo is doing some wonderful content everyday on social Media. Highly creative and very less elements, this content is not at all expensive. Great strategy and amazing creative often brings down the cost and still leads to success. But how can big brands manage all this, considering their geographical reach and operational complexities? Consistency of content seems impossible, doesn’t it?
Well, not if you consider the content management platforms to create and share your content. Brands like Unilever, Coca cola, GE are today using these software platforms to manage their content throughout the world. New York based software company Percolate helps brands to build localization in their content without losing the consistency of the global brand. The software basically assists the content managers from all around the world to create their own content, manage it in timely and effective manner every day.
As they say, behind every successful man there is a woman. So every King needs a Queen but he also needs a kingdom and an administrative platform like a constitution. Similarly, content creators need context, customer point of view and content management platforms.
Approximately 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute, that’s around 1500 hours till you finish reading this article. More than 75 million active users post more than 80 Million photos on Instagram every day. According to Time magazine, 2 million blog posts are written everyday on various websites.
Does this possess a threat to brands, who have traditionally been the monopolies of creating content? Answer is yes and a no. Yes, because the content created by brands will now disappear in the clutter of such a huge tsunami of content. Brands will need to continuously improve and stay ahead of the game. And no, because most of the content created is amateur content. Also the reach of brands is much higher than the individual content creators.
This brings us to the Queen Context. Although there are so many kings, most of them are Queen-less Kings. Context is something that differentiates good content creators from average content creators. Objective of the content, relevance of the subject, authenticity of the information, creative execution, high production value and maximum reach will build the real context for the content creating brands.
But this is not enough, is it? There are more and more queens coming in and instead of two layers of content creators we have three: 1. Amateur content creators, 2. Good content creators, 3. Great content creators. Many small and medium size Kings and start-ups are now creating good content with the help of Queen context. If brands need to differentiate themselves from these new players, they will have to create and manage great content.
How do they do that? It’s simple, take the help of the kingdom, the Customer. Most of the content brands create has an inside out approach. Brands create what they want to and customers simply consume that content. Why not try it the other way around and take into consideration what customers want? Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, has an empty chair in all his strategy meetings. This chair represents the customer. He takes into consideration customer point of view on every subject discussed inside the organization. Now you know, why Amazon is the world’s best customer-centric brand.
So to become successful, brands need to have a king, queen and the kingdom together. That sounds like an expensive affair. Not at all. American confectionery brand Oreo is doing some wonderful content everyday on social Media. Highly creative and very less elements, this content is not at all expensive. Great strategy and amazing creative often brings down the cost and still leads to success. But how can big brands manage all this, considering their geographical reach and operational complexities? Consistency of content seems impossible, doesn’t it?
Well, not if you consider the content management platforms to create and share your content. Brands like Unilever, Coca cola, GE are today using these software platforms to manage their content throughout the world. New York based software company Percolate helps brands to build localization in their content without losing the consistency of the global brand. The software basically assists the content managers from all around the world to create their own content, manage it in timely and effective manner every day.
As they say, behind every successful man there is a woman. So every King needs a Queen but he also needs a kingdom and an administrative platform like a constitution. Similarly, content creators need context, customer point of view and content management platforms.